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Thursday, May 5, 2011


I like being a homeschooler because instead of just sitting at a desk doing boring things in the classroom you can do any school work you want to do anytime, except after 8:30 at night or before 7:00 in the morning. It also gives you a lot of time to read books during the day and use the computer and things like that.

My favorite school subject is Science, or maybe Geography or History. I am not sure which is my favorite. I like all three of them. Probably one of the coolest things I learned in Science is you can make a volcano. An interesting thing I learned in geography was that Greenwich is the place that decides what time it is.

One thing about being a homeschooler I find funny and interesting is that on a snow day you do school work and,then the day after when all the regular school kids are in class, you go sledding or skiing or whatever, or that's my experience anyway.

Well, that's all for now. Bye!


  1. Keep writing! I like to hear what you have to say!

    I am really bad at geography...but I do know about Greenwich, because when I set the time for our computers at work, I have to coordinate one computer to Greenwich time, and then that computer tells all the other computers in my company, (almost 500 of them), what time they are supposed to show. That way if you're at a desk in one office or at a teller window in a totally different building, all the computers show the same time. (And everyone knows when it's time to go home!)

  2. Nice Job Jordan!

    I miss you.

    Auntie Pam
