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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Burma days Pt. 1: First Day

Our flight landed four hours and eleven minutes (when I started typing eleven) ago. Of course, we had to go through customs and immigration, get our luggage, and convert a substantial sum of money into Burmese currency, before we could leave the airport. Then (in the airport)  we met with the leaders of the pwo Kayin Seminary, and they drove us to our guest house, where we am now. So far I like Myanmar. It's a place where palm trees and other such plants grow. It's a tropical climate, with a low of sixty-four in the cool season. The leader of the seminary gave us dinner at the school, and today he gave us a tour of the seminary. He also gave us lunch and brought us to the national village, a museum of different tribal areas, with shops and houses and such. Then they took us to the Shwe Dagon Pagoda, and we stayed there for an hour and a half to two hours. There is one interesting thing in particular about this trip: a lot of people, mostly girls have wanted to take their picture with me. POOOTAAAATOOOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After we went to the Shwe Dagon Pagoda, They brought us back to the seminary for supper. It was a nice supper, with rice and shrimp (a delicacy) and vegetables with a garlic sauce, as well as soup, and some other things. Then we came back to the guest house and have been there since. Today we also went down and payed for our tickets to the celebrations. Well, it's about midnight here, and 12:22 were you are (eleven and a half hour time difference), so I should probably stop. Bye for now!


  1. Hey Jordan, it's the Mass Maniacs club checking in here. :) So where are the pictures of the girls? lol. It's a balmy 30 degrees here :P We did our arts and crafts projects today. We hope your feeling better :) Love the photos, by the way! What kind of transportation have you been using? We'd love to hear from you. Also, what's with "potatoes"? We'll check in with you soon.
    - Your friends,
    the Massachusetts Maniacs

  2. Hi guys. to answer your questions, most of the girls just asked breifly, and snapped a picture, and some didn't ask at all, so we didn't get the chance to take them, and some of the time I didn't have my camera on me. I might have one though. We have mostly been driving, as our hosts strongly recommends we drive, so they drive us sometimes, and sometimes we a taxi. or walk. Now, a question of my own: what projects did you guys work on?


    P.S. Do any foods besides rice and vegetables exist anywhere on this PLANET!!!!!!!????????? (Just joking, there's also fish shrimp and chicken :) )

    ( oooo... and pizza!)
